Woven braids of twenty-seven stories inspired by her grandmother's wisdom, her own life challenge...
The team that enhanced the understanding of different learning styles in 'How Your Child Is Smart...
Reengineering is out! The hottest topic in business today is learning--with learning organization...
A book dedicated to parents. It will help you to define your child's intelligence, so you can dir...
A remarkable new way to move beyond biases and blind spots (especially if you don't think you hav...
I Am Smart: A Guide To Recognizing And Developing Your Child's Natural Strengths
A breakthrough book on the transformative power of collaborative thinking Collaborative intelli...
Not all children learn the same way. This book explains the six patterns of learning and teaches ...
Poetic and inspiring, I Will Not Die an Unlived Life is a collection of stories with meaning. Fol...
Farkli düsünen insanlarla birlikte düsünmek Aramizdaki mesafeleri kapatabilecek ve is birligini m...