'... a captivating tale of suspense and horror, in which Dr. Mina Murray returns to the windswept...
A chilling, thrilling collection of 13 haunting tales. From supernaturalthrillers, to contemporar...
In this hauntingly twisted tale, an author reconnects with an old boarding school friend, forcing...
'This book will haunt me for a long time—in the very best way.' —Amy McCulloch, author of Breathl...
Three women, centuries apart, drawn together by one Unholy Pact. A pact made by a man who, more t...
A spine-chilling psychological thriller from stunning YA talent and author of The Dead House, Daw...
When Silla and Nori arrive at their aunt's home, it's immediately clear that the 'blood manor' is...
Sequel to Teeth in the Mist. Len must find her estranged mother, Roan, in order to save Zoey from...