Taking a unique anthropological apprach, Bush Base: Forest Farm explores the management of resour...
The line between what is regarded by people as 'traditional' and 'modern' is constantly being alt...
Local and cooperative Jahn-Teller interactions in model structures.- The frameworks (Bauverb¿e) o...
The luminescence of closed-shell transition-metal complexes. New developments.- Energy transfer i...
Luminescence and Energy Transfer
Metal-metal interactions in metalloporphyrins, metalloproteins and metalloenzymes.- Non-heme iron...
This book explores verbal and non-verbal communication from a social anthropological viewpoint, d...
The tradition of intensive fieldwork by a single anthropologist in one area has been challenged b...
Kinetics and mechanism of alkali ion complex formation in solution.- Intra- and inter-molecular b...
Metal-ligand bonding in 3d sandwich complexes.- The ligand polarization model for the spectra of ...
Topics in Inorganic and Physical Chemistry