The primal image of the black-caped vampire Dracula has become an indelible fixture of the modern...
Bram Stoker, despite having a name nearly as famous as Count Dracula, has remained an enigma. Dav...
Late in Claude Rains's distinguished career, a reverent film journalist wrote that Rains 'was as ...
Bram Stoker, despite having a name nearly as famous as Count Dracula, has remained an enigma. Dav...
'Turner Classic Movies presents a collection of monster greats, modern and classic horror, and fa...
The fascinating history of Rednock School from its beginnings to being Gloucestershire's only Pat...
Illuminating the dark side of the American century, The Monster Show uncovers the surprising link...
Algo en la sangre : la biografía secreta de Bram Stoker, el hombre que escribió Drácula
One of the most original and unsettling filmmakers of all time -- the creator of the horror class...
Halloween : la muerte sale de fiesta