The first in a series of four books from the cutting-edge Tokyo design studio La ZOO, Let's Color...
This delightful book challenges readers with such pressing questions as: If you were a three-cour...
This ultimate collection of carnal quandaries features over 700 deranged dilemmas concerning matt...
The demented minds that created the original 'Would You Rather...?' collection and its best-selli...
Filled with the kind of imaginative and edgy (but family-friendly) humor children love, Would You...
With more than 1200 questions, this new 'Would You Rather...?' collection is antic, audacious, co...
Giving new meaning to the term 'bathroom humor,' 'Would You Rather . . .? Read It and Wipe' is th...
In an hysterical blend of absurdity, wit, and pop culture comes Would You Rather..., a collection...
'Would You Rather...?: Trippin' Edition' continues in the series' tradition of pondering the most...
From the demented minds that brought you 'Would You Rather...?' and 'Would You Rather...? 2: Elec...
Leading children into the highest limits of their imagination, the art and language of Imagine Th...
This giant compendium of Would You Rather...? questions carefully selected from the author's 'oeu...