This perceptive play for young adults, set ten years after the bomb, portrays with frightening cl...
The story of Puss in Boots is ingeniously combined with that of Cinderella in this hilarious show...
A tour guide is taking a group of visitors arouns a 12th-century manor and brings them to a myste...
Tom 'Tink' Bell is the town crier, not a 'boo hoo' crier, but a 'yoo hoo' crier. Unfortunately he...
The Crowns, the King and the Long Lost Smile is a play ior seven men, three women and extras. The...
A biography of Thomas Scrutton, who has been described as 'the greatest English-speaking commerci...
Marcel arrives at the Signac home hoping to see his beloved Marie-Celeste, a dancer. Instead he e...
This delightful comedy of errors follows the fortunes of Perkin and Wat. Perkin is royal odd-job ...
Plotting abounds among the individuals in an animated deck of playing cards, as the greediest of ...
Mirage takes place at the country house party of Gerald and Evadne Fairfax. Newlyweds Pamela and ...