The Politics of Irish Drama analyses some twenty-five of the best-known Irish plays from Dion Bou...
Explores the impact of Waiting for Godot on the theatre and its many interpretations.
Working from a multi-cultural perspective, this book explores the value of performance as an agen...
David Bradby's study explores the impact of Waiting for Godot and its influence on acting, direct...
Provides theoretical framework for important play-writing in Britain in the second half of the tw...
This book provides an introduction to post-colonial theatre by concentrating on the work of major...
This book considers Holocaust plays 'in performance' and the legitimacy of presenting the Holocau...
A detailed study of Molière as playwright, director and actor, and his life and career.
'This volume is a gem. Written by two experts in modern French theater, whose stated objective is...
An updated account and comparison of the major traditions and tendencies in the French theatre fr...
Since the beginning of the nineteenth century many forms of theatre have been called 'popular', b...
A study of women playwrights from a feminist perspective, first published in 2003.