Showcases the work of twenty leading paleoartists who expertly bring these extinct animals to lif...
In the Mesozoic Era, while dinosaurs roamed on land, giant carnivorous reptiles ruled the seas. T...
Cryptozoologicon is a celebration of the myths, legends, evolution and biology of hidden animals....
B logging has revolutionised the way we communicate our interests and spread news. This book is a...
Revised and updated in relation to the latest developments in dinosaur research, this guide to th...
With content that is completely up to date and includes the latest discoveries and interpretation...
Dinosaurs: How They Lived and Evolved
Who's ready for a round-the-world trip of epic dinosaur proportions? Pack your bags and let's go!...
The record-breaking extremes of the dinosaur world are presented excitingly in this accessible gu...
'Dive into prehistoric waters and discover extraordinary sea creatures who reigned supreme in the...
Join palaeontologist Darren Naish on a tour of these incredible animals, ranging from shark-shape...
Journey back in time and find out where dinosaurs roamed in this unique children's atlas explorin...