A self-standing companion to Darrell Schweitzer's British Fantasy Award-nominated The Mask of the...
Seventeen fantasies by one of the field's most prolific short story authors, including tales of.....
'MacIntyre's Improbably Bestiary is GRAND FUN!' ?Ray Bradbury'F. Gwynplaine MacIntyre is the bes...
The four 'lost' issues of Weird Tales, as it changed titles to Worlds of Fantasy and Horror -- on...
Darrell Schweitzer interviews: Vernor Vinge, Paolo Bacigalupi, Paul Di Fillippo, Tanith Lee, Patr...
It is not hard to imagine that you are a thirteen-year-old (almost fourteen) and you don't quite ...
We Are All Legends by Darrell Schweitzer follows the journey of the immortal and cursed wanderer,...
'If ever your heart has said, _The great days are no more. The golden afternoon of golden tales h...
This special Jonathan Carroll issue (all artwork by Featured Artist Thomas Kidd) includes no less...
The Summer 1988issue of Weird Tales showcases the work of Featured Author Tanith Lee and Featured...
This anthology presents a wide range of analysis, criticism, and opinion about one of the most in...