An insideru2019s look into nefarious world of hostage taking, where the traditional criminal indu...
Fountain of Youth examines the tactics and the strategies for youth mobilization. While the centr...
Combining primary sources with expert commentary, this timely book probes critical moments in U.S...
The US electoral system is being contorted by a novel brand of partisan polarization, voter acces...
For nearly 200 years, Americans have pinned the democratic character of their system on elections...
The go-to source on campaign management for nearly two decades is now updated to cover the latest...
Fountain of Youth examines the tactics and the strategies for youth mobilization. While the centr...
Health professionals are often confronted with situations that demand change, including a communi...
James Joyce and the Mythology of Modernism examines anew how myth exists in Joyces fiction. Using...
The Greek Code of Criminal Procedure, an unprecedented translation of Greek Law 4620 2019, which ...
The Greek Code of Private Maritime Law, the first English-language translation of Greek Law 5020 ...
The Greek Code of Civil Procedure, an unprecedented translation of Greek Presidential Decree 503 ...