More than ever, Christians must be grounded in their identity and purpose to reach a hurting worl...
For developmental scientists, the nature versus nurture debate has been settled for some time. Ne...
The six romances included in this anthology have quirky characters, or quirky locations, or quirk...
Examines how nature and nurture interact over the course of life development, focusing on early c...
The doctrine of deification came under challenge during the Reformation. Likewise, Orthodox Chris...
Cyril of Alexandria (d.444) was one of the architects of Christian orthodoxy. Daniel A. Keating p...
Athanasius was a fiery and controversial bishop from Egypt, driven from his See no less than five...
Examines Department of Defense depot-level reparable supply chain management to identify the most...
'Daniel Keating has produced a clearly written commentary on 1 Peter, 2 Peter, and Jude. It is st...
A RAND study sought to help the U.S. Forest Service determine the composition of a fleet of airta...
'Any observer of contemporary culture will recognize that Anderson's and Keating's lucid commenta...