At the turn of the century, Muscogee (Creek) journalist, poet, and political humorist Alexander P...
?Littlefield unravels the complex history of the demise of the Cherokee nation. In overwhelming d...
The first comprehensive anthology of Native American literature representing tribes of the Southe...
?Littlefield's account of the freed blacks' social and economic life is very valuable....students...
?The very broad scope of coverage in American Indian and Alaska Native periodical publications fr...
'Focuses on the interaction of the Creeks and their Negro slaves from Colonial times to the Civil...
?Littlefield's heavily footnoted....this detail ably supports its thesis: The destructi...
Because Seminoles held slaves in a confusing system that was markedly dissimilar to white society...
Most of Alexander Posey's short and remarkable life was devoted to literary pursuits. Through a w...
Covers works written in English by American Indians and Alaska natives from Colonial times to 1924.
Chickasaw Removal examines governmental pressures, difficult decisions, devious politics, and har...
In the early nineteenth century, the Chickasaw Indians were a beleaguered people. Anglo-American ...