When the spirit of a vampire is unleashed during a séance at a luxury retirement home, a resident...
When the spirit of a vampire is unleashed during a séance at a luxury retirement home, a resident...
When an idealistic priest learns, in the confessional, that a woman, possessed by a demon, is mur...
A Western Horror mash-up that examines our history of racism against Chinese Americans. In the Wi...
Eternity has a price . . . Harriet has lived a long, fulfilling life, surrounded by a loving fam...
In a world where dreams and reality overlap, a dream-world stalker begins killing the tormentors ...
'Something evil hides within the House of Seven Gables... Phoebe Pyncheon hasn't had an easy life...
In a world of wealth and power, siblings feuding over the estate of their recently deceased fathe...
In a world of wealth and power, siblings feuding over the estate of their recently deceased fathe...
When a young woman who has always suppressed her disturbing psychic powers finds herself faced wi...
In a world where dreams and reality overlap, a dream-world stalker begins killing the tormentors ...