Sir Joseph Rotblat (1908-2005), British physicist and one of the most prominent critics of the nu...
Journey into the heart of South Africa's most exclusive wildlife sanctuaries with award-winning w...
To explain and understand the patterns that attachment play in psychiatric and social problems a ...
This book contains classic material dating back to the 1900s and before. The content has been car...
Massive in scope, hugely detailed and meticulously researched. In this work the bestselling autho...
Ce travail rentre dans le cadre du chiffrage des pièces mécaniques nécessitant des traitements de...
Marie-Jeanne Riccoboni was one of the most popular novelists of her day. Joan Hinde Stewart exami...
Trieste Publishing has a massive catalogue of classic book titles. Our aim is to provide readers ...
L'ostéite mandibulaire est une inflammation du tissu osseux, consécutive à une cause essentiellem...
A Monograph of the British Fossil Sponges - Sponges of Palæozoic and Jurassic Strata is an unchan...
Fossil Sponge Spicules from the Upper Chalk Found in the Interior - of a Single Flint-Stone from ...
Fossil Sponge Spicules from the upper Chalk Found in the Interior of a Single Flint-Stone from Ho...