From the Classroom to the Corner explores the in-school and out-of-school experiences of three yo...
Seven III is the third printed work in a series called Seven-a collection of continuous writings ...
Shifts in America's socioeconomic geography have been documented since the 1960s, demonstrating t...
Medieval Andalusian Courtly Culture discusses the unicum manuscript of the Hadîth Bayâd wa Riyâd,...
Blue Pearls is the fifth book in a collection of continuous writing inspired by God and his Word,...
Each chapter begins with a scripture, followed by a short story, and concludes with a powerful me...
Medieval Andalusian Courtly Culture discusses the unicum manuscript of the Hadîth Bayâd wa Riyâd,...
Tedious Journeys: Autoethnography by Women of Color in Academe lends voice to the experiences of ...
Blue Pearls is the fifth book in a collection of continuous writing inspired by God and his Word,...
Each chapter begins with a scripture, followed by a short story, and concludes with a powerful me...