'Call this mutiny is the seventh book from award-winning and internationally-renowned Pacific Isl...
The Effigies series has woven a vibrant tapestry of indigenous poets from Native North America an...
'Native Pacific Islander writer Craig Santos Perez has crafted a timely collection of eco-poetry ...
For the first time, Navigating CHamoru Poetry focuses on Indigenous CHamoru (Chamorro) poetry fro...
For the first time, poetry, short stories, critical and creative essays, chants, and excerpts of ...
The fourth installment in the Chamorro poet's series on the history, ecology, and mythology of Guam
The first installment in the Chamorro poet's series on the history, ecology, and mythology of Guam
For the first time, poetry, short stories, critical and creative essays, chants, and excerpts of ...
For the first time, Navigating CHamoru Poetry focuses on Indigenous CHamoru (Chamorro) poetry fro...
Craig Santos Perez, a native Chamoru from the Pacific Island of Gu¿n (Guam), has lived for two de...
Using a replica of the native Chamorros' outrigger boats as his figurative vessel, these poems ex...
'In this anthology of contemporary eco-literature, the editors have gathered an ensemble of a hun...