Pride Possum lives a pretty simple life, making a modest living at his bartending job and helping...
Old and Middle English literature can be obscure and challenging. So, too, can the vast body of c...
Lured by the need for control over her own life and a craving for respect as a woman, Barbara Tro...
King Arthur is perhaps the central figure of the medieval world, and the lore of Camelot has capt...
When Buster Troye finds a large creature of fantasy on his farm, he first questions his sanity.Th...
Jane Austen significantly shaped the development of the English novel, and her works continue to ...
The pain in Rance Troye's heart built a thick layer of scar tissue.His comfortcomes from the dail...
The dragons have joined forces to eliminate their enemy, a praying family whose patriarch knows t...
Estrangement: A Word that Spells PAIN
The acclaimed author of 'Skinny' and 'Worthy' helps in launching the exciting new Point Paperback...