Brueggemann moves between a description of the reality that appears in front of the church and th...
This textbook uses the `riddles' metaphor to introduce social analysis and to communicate the cri...
This fourth book is the most autobiographical and 'memoir-like' of the series, pulling together i...
Walter Brueggemann is a very successful person who wrote more than 100 books, but still sometimes...
In this second book in the series-'A Church Dismantled'-the author looks objectively at our socie...
This book is of a different tone and nature than the first two, as we experience the author leani...
This biography is about an immigrant's daughter who remained in the shadows of her father, husban...
This biography is about an immigrant's daughter who remained in the shadows of her father, husban...
Walter Brueggemann's The Prophetic Imagination emerged seemingly out of nowhere in 1978. Its appe...
In this groundbreaking study, the authors make an unsettling claim: Anabaptist churches of the Gl...
Understanding the gospel as emancipation has been central to Walter Brueggemann's biblical interp...
The signs of decline are everywhere in the American church. Instead of finding blame in other pla...