Clifford Neal Smith originally released this title as German-American Genealogical Research Monog...
This book is based on the two surviving registers of passports issued by the departmental governm...
According to 18th-century immigration authority Clifford Neal Smith, the vast majority of German ...
Smith's list of emigrants from Fuerstenberg is based on a 1937 article by Hermann Baier that comp...
Mr. Smith extracted the names in the Simmern Kreis Rhineland-Falz booklet from two articles publi...
This volume on German mercenaries combines three separate booklets in CliffordNeal Smith's German...
The work at hand, which derives from 'Public Lands' and 'Claims' records found in 'The American S...
Originally published in 1976, 'The Encyclopedia of German-American Genealogical Research' is stil...
As Mr. Smith has noted in the Introduction to this work, 'There is little so rare in German-Ameri...
Working from microfilm copies of the Hamburg police lists, Clifford Neal Smith has here reconstru...
Smith culled 'Emigrants from Saxony' from two articles by Dr. Herbert Koch, published in 1959 and...
As Mr. Smith has noted in the Introduction to this work, 'There is little so rare in German-Ameri...