'If I cannot inspire love, I will cause fear!' -Mary Shelley, Frankenstein
Descubre cómo funciona la máquina más maravillosa y perfecta del mundo: el cuerpo humano. ¿Sabías...
Includes press-out model pieces, which when slot together, build a fantastic model of a T. Rex.
Asómate al mundo de los dinosaurios con este emocionante libro lleno de información, ilustracione...
In this remarkable pop-up edition of Frankenstein, Mary Shelley''s classic gothic tale is vividly...
In this extraordinary pop-up edition of The Hound of the Baskervilles, Sherlock Holmes investigat...
Children can build 10 model planes based on real aircraft and learn facts about them with this sp...
From the classic Lockheed Vega to the record-breaking Nemesis, children can build their own model...