Introduces nine exciting and talented playwrights who have emerged in twenty-first century Americ...
The first multi-volume history of the American theater to have been published, The Cambridge Hist...
This is a meditation on memory and on the ways in which memory has operated in the work of writer...
The playwrights covered in this study have among them won most of the available awards and experi...
Volume Two begins in the post-Civil War period and traces the development of American theater up ...
Offering both student and theatergoer a guide to one of the most celebrated living American drama...
This is the first of two volumes in which Christopher Bigsby offers extended critical readings of...
Volume 3 of this authoritative and wide-ranging history of American theater examines the theater ...
Offering both student and theatergoer a guide to one of the most celebrated living American drama...
Arthur Miller is regarded as one of the most important playwrights of the 20th century, and this ...
Christopher Bigsby explores the potential of television drama to offer a radical critique of Amer...
Introduces nine exciting and talented playwrights who have emerged in twenty-first century Americ...