'A rich, discovery-filled history that tells how a forgotten empire transformed the ancient world...
In the late 8th and early 7th centuries BCE, Scythian warriors conquered and unified most of the ...
How a Greek philosopher's encounters with Buddhism in Central Asia influenced Western philosophyP...
This narrative history of the Tibetan Empire in Central Asia from about A.D. 600 to 866 depicts t...
This is the first book devoted to the phoronym, a largely overlooked grammatical category that in...
Journeys of Faith tours the theological migrations taking place within the Christian tradition to...
'Empires of the Silk Road is a major scholarly achievement. This is the first book to provide a c...
This book describes the Koguryo language, which was once spoken in Manchuria and Korea, including...
This book on the pre-modern Tibeto-Burman languages represents a movement to establish a field of...
Iskitler - Tarihleri, Kültürleri ve Dünyaya Etkileri
A rich, discovery-filled history that tells how a forgotten empire transformed the ancient worldI...