An illustrated, expessive journal of seasonal transformation and wilderness living as experienced...
How does one go from English villager to wilderness dweller? Chris Czajkowski was born and raised...
Chris Czajkowski came to Canada's attention in the mid-1980s when she began writing to CBC Radio'...
Bestselling author Chris Czajkowski returns with more revelations of life in the far reaches of t...
In the summer of 2017, wildfires dominated the headlines in British Columbia. As a low pressure w...
The latest in a series of books by Chris Czajkowski and her life in the wilderness she loves.
Taking up where Lonesome, the first bestselling wilderness dog, left off, here is another wildern...
The spellbinding and uplifting story of one woman's life in the raw wilderness.
One of Chris Czajkowskis first priorities when she arrived at Nuk Tessli, a remote location in BC...
One of the Pacific Northwest's bestselling titles!
In the late 1980s, Chris Czajkowski left her truck at the end of a logging road 300 kilometres no...