Endodontic instruments made of NiTi shape-memory alloy have had a revolutionary impact on root ca...
Beauty is universally recognized and appreciated, and is the reason why confident and attractive ...
Any alteration or loss of tooth structure should be replaced with materials which are similar to ...
Vital pulp therapy (VPT) defined as 'treatment which aims at preserving and maintaining the pulp ...
La thérapie pulpaire vitale (TPV), définie comme 'un traitement qui vise à préserver et à mainten...
Die Vitalpulpatherapie (VPT), definiert als 'Behandlung, die darauf abzielt, das durch ausgedehnt...
La terapia de pulpa vital (TPV), definida como 'tratamiento cuyo objetivo es preservar y mantener...
A terapia de polpa vital (VPT) definida como 'tratamento que visa preservar e manter o tecido pul...
La terapia della polpa vitale (VPT), definita come 'trattamento che mira a preservare e mantenere...
Los 'nanorrobots' son máquinas robóticas capaces de realizar tareas a nanoescala (es decir, a esc...
I 'NanoRobot' sono macchine robotiche in grado di svolgere compiti su scala nanometrica (cioè su ...
'NanoRobots' are robotic machines that can accomplish tasks at the nanoscale (i.e., on a scale of...