Dive into the transformative journey of Ignite Joy, a captivating exploration of reclaiming happi...
A lavish collection of delightful ideas and card designs to make yourself and send to friends and...
Making your own gift-cards, gift-wrap, invitations, memory albums and scrapbook pages to treasure...
Veya Marie St. James has vowed to never again set foot on the Island of her birth-a strip of land...
This beautiful and easy-to-follow guide teaches all the skills you need to make individual furnis...
Perfect for beginners, this contemporary collection of 25 designs shows just how easy it is to ma...
Find a bag to suit every outfit and occasion in this delightful collection of 30 easy-to-make bag...
Practical projects for creating your own beautiful and original greetings cards, gift wrap, boxes...
Making your own custom accessories is a great way to add color, texture and comfort to your life¿...
200 step-by-step techniques and projects with 1100 photographs - a comprehensive course in making...