From daily life applications to military applications and from toys to satellites, the use of ele...
The growth of Electronic products becomes more complex due to a major requirement of high reliabi...
In the industry of manufacturing and design, one major constraint has been enhancing operating pe...
Nanotechnology: Advances and Real-Life Applications offers a comprehensive reference text about a...
It comprehensively covers all the practical implementation of combinational as well as sequential...
'This book explores the theoretical and practical aspects of prediction methods using artificial ...
Master's Thesis from the year 2017 in the subject Engineering - Artificial Intelligence, grade: 9...
El uso de componentes electrónicos está muy extendido, desde las aplicaciones de la vida cotidian...
Das aplicações da vida quotidiana às aplicações militares e dos brinquedos aos satélites, a utili...
Von Anwendungen des täglichen Lebens bis hin zu militärischen Anwendungen und von Spielzeug bis h...
Dalle applicazioni della vita quotidiana a quelle militari, dai giocattoli ai satelliti, l'uso de...
Des applications de la vie quotidienne aux applications militaires et des jouets aux satellites, ...