Finding exact solutions to many combinatorial optimization problems in busi ness, engineering, an...
This is the first book to cover GRASP (Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedures), a metaheuri...
This book is an updated version of Prof. Campos' doctoral study, which was presented in 2007. Sev...
This is the first book to cover GRASP (Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedures), a metaheuri...
The Third International Workshop on Experimental and E?cient Algorithms (WEA 2004) was held in An...
A erosão representa um dos fatos mais urgentes da humanidade: ela já destruiu milhares de hectare...
Finding exact solutions to many combinatorial optimization problems in busi ness, engineering, an...
This book introduces solutions for sports scheduling problems in a variety of settings. In partic...
This book introduces solutions for sports scheduling problems in a variety of settings. In partic...