A poignant multi-voiced novel about the troubled yet noble lives of urban warriors living in low-...
In this book, the authors explore what constitutes boundary work at the intersection of tradition...
By redirecting focus away from traditional areas of historical examination, such as battles on th...
In this book, the authors explore what constitutes boundary work at the intersection of tradition...
International contributors from the fields of political science, cultural studies, history, and l...
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'In this captivating dystopian novel, a larger-than-life drag queen and her allies join forces to...
An ABC picture book that follows the journey of a young child and her chosen family as she prepar...
José Hernández (1834-1886) was born on a farm in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, on November 10...
A sincere portrayal of high-schoolers pitting God's voice and millenniums of scripture against th...
Climate change and declining fossil fuel reserves make the current energy economy unsustainable. ...
Kay, a Black drag queen, must evade and resist the government's concentration camps for queer and...
For more than thirty years, this celebrated anthology has introduced readers to the next generati...