Transformative Language Arts, an emerging field and profession, calls on us to use writing, story...
How Time Moves: New and Selected Poems brings together over thirty years of Caryn Mirriam-Goldber...
Transformative Language Arts, an emerging field and profession, calls on us to use writing, story...
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg, Ph.D., the 2009-13 Kansas Poet Laureate is the author of over two dozen b...
Teaching Transformation: Progressive Education in Action shares vibrant stories of how students i...
'Needle in the Bone' tells the astonishing stories of a Holocaust survivor, Lou Frydman, and a Po...
A Modern Day Exodus in a Changing Nation! In this modern day retelling of the Exodus, Miriam wand...
This ground breaking book on the written, spoken and sung word for individual and social transfor...
'This coming of age story illuminates how a daring heart can turn a broken girl into a woman stro...
This groundbreaking book on the spoken, written, and sung word for personal and social transforma...