In the sleepy town of Shady Oaks, Nancy Drew and her friends investigate an exhibit of photograph...
Nancy investigates a string of accidents at the theater in the twenty-sixth Nancy Drew Diaries, a...
Nancy investigates a string of accidents at the theater in the twenty-sixth Nancy Drew Diaries.
Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extre...
When Nancy stumbles on an old diary full of secret clues in her own house, she finds a mystery th...
The third-grade classes at Nancy's school are learning about Chinese culture, and they'll celebra...
Das Geheimnis der alten Uhr ist der erste Band der Nancy Drew Mystery Stories -Reihe, die unter d...
Keep up with Nancy Drew in this thrilling collection of mysteries full of intrigue, boys, and mur...
The world’s favorite teen detective is back, and she’s on the case. Keep up with Nancy Drew in th...
When Nancy Drew and her friends arrive at Misty Lake, they meet pretty, red-haired Cecily Curtis,...
Nancy goes to Excello Flying School in the Midwest to take lessons, while her friends Bess and Ge...
Nancy meets Helene and Henri Fontaine, refugees from Centorvia who run a dancing school in River ...