Like a Lake tells the story of Nico, his father (an Italian-American architect) and his mother (a...
An exploration of the sadness, as well as the joy, of unexpected discoveries in history and life.
An exploration of the mythical Mary Glass-her art, her life, and her timesMary Glass (1946-2021) ...
An exploration of the mythical Mary Glass-her art, her life, and her timesMary Glass (1946-2021) ...
Like a Lake tells the story of Nico, his father (an Italian-American architect) and his mother (a...
Audacious and genre-defying, Black and Blue is steeped in melancholy, in the feeling of being blu...
'On Carroll's photographs of girls, on Cameron's photographs of madonnas, on the topics of death,...
'The author's perspectives on Victorian and contemporary issues of intimacy, exhibition, maternit...
Postwar French works that register disturbing truths about loss and regret, and violence and hist...
''Reading Boyishly' is as complete and mesmerizing a work of reflection on art, time, gender, and...
'The author's perspectives on Victorian and contemporary issues of intimacy, exhibition, maternit...
The sea, the sky, the veins of your hands, the earth itself when photographed from s...