Cultural Problems in Western Society, introduced by Barbara Carvill, explores the unfavorable con...
Seerveld is convinced that philosophical aesthetics-systematic reflection on the nature and task ...
'Knowledge' in Proverbs means 'firsthand, intimate experience of what God wants done'; and 'wisdo...
The essays in Art History Revisited, introduced by Dirk van den Berg and Henry Luttikhuizen, foll...
Art, for Seerveld, belongs to the very infrastructure of a good society, in the same way that a c...
In the talks, lyrics, and articles in Biblical Studies and Wisdom for Living, introduced by Craig...
Seerveld sees a central role in education for 'understanding and developing history,' but then 'h...
The Greatest Song: In Critique of Solomon
How to Read the Bible to Hear God Speak: A Study in Numbers 22-24
The Greatest Song: In Critique of Solomon
'This book is a literary English translation of the Biblical book Ecclesiastes as a chorus of dif...