As The Bells opens, thirty-three-year-old Niall O'Malley has failed a five-year mission to live a...
As The Bells opens, thirty-three-year-old Niall O'Malley has failed a five-year mission to live a...
As children, Hayden and her sisters ran carefree through the wilds of rural Connecticut when thei...
To those who meet Jana Thomas, hers seems a perfect life, with a beautiful home, a successful car...
Weather Woman, a realistic novel with a touch of fantasy, is the story of a meteorologist who dis...
A woman who is suffering from a tragic loss is placed on a jury with her estranged ex-husband.
A scientist who has the power to influence the Earth’s forces tries to teach her skill to kindred...
The characters in these stories operate in a world in which their voices are not heard, and are n...
'Set amid California's wildfire season, a vivid and magical novel following a family in crisis th...