Boratin, ein junger Musiker öffnet nach einem Selbstmordversuch in einem Istanbuler Krankenhaus d...
'An inventive literary obituary for Kafka, this thriller of love and revenge brings the Cold War ...
A thriller of love and revenge, and an imaginative literary obituary for Kafka, bringing the Cold...
Unser bisheriger Preis:ORGPRICE: 17,00 €
Der neue Roman des türkischen BestsellerautorsIn der Stadt Mardin, nahe der türkischen Grenze zu ...
In 1940 the Second World War continued to rage, and atrocities wreaked around the globe made inte...
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Yoklugun bilincinden söz edemeyiz. sik, sevgiliyi tanimadan önce icinde bulundugu yoklugun farkin...
Evet. Genc bir adam ormanda kaybolmus. Gunler sonra yasli birine rastlamis. Yasli adam da uzun za...
Two young people from foreign lands meet in a shop in Cambridge: Brani Tawo, a Kurdish political ...