Explores the evolution of the German military system post-Peace of Westphalia, detailing its deve...
Whatever name the historians gave to the conflicts fought by Sweden and Denmark-Norway, and despi...
Eugenio principe di Savoia-Carignano, conte di Soissons. Generale a soli 24 anni, Feldmaresciallo...
Eugenio principe di Savoia-Carignano, conte di Soissons. Generale a soli 24 anni, Feldmaresciallo...
Eugenio principe di Savoia-Carignano, conte di Soissons. Generale a soli 24 anni, Feldmaresciallo...
' ... 'La Spagna ci ha insegnato che si può aver ragione ma essere battuti, che la forza bruta pu...
'Fue en España donde mi generación aprendió que uno puede tener razón y ser vencido, que la fuerz...
After more than half-a-century of wars in Hungary, the conflict between the Habsburgs and the Sub...
The Army of Louis XIV is frequently depicted as being the apogee of the early modern standing arm...
The army and the navy of Venice and Ottoman Empire during the campaigns fought for the possession...
It was a commonplace that Italy offers little of interest to military historians after the full f...
Organization, composition and history of the army of the Sublime Porte in the age of the maximum ...