From beyond the boundaries of the imagination and the universe...An anthology of surrealistic com...
The Mutant Rain Forest is nature's revenge upon man's despoliation.Robert Frazier and Bruce Bosto...
'The poems in Spacers Snarled in the Hair of Comets are a wonderful evocation of the Romance and ...
A selection of the most accessible survey papers from the Millennial Conference on Number Theory....
This third volume in the Horror Writers Association's acclaimed POETRY SHOWCASE series features m...
'The Guardener's Tale' is a dystopic novel of the future in which everything is controlled and pe...
Brief Encounters with My Third Eye collects over one hundred of Boston's best short poems (under ...
Americans in Process: A Settlement Study
Americans in Process: A Settlement Study
Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile: In the Years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773. ...
Authors from around the world address the idea of sorrow through the lens of horror. These storie...