A prequel to Dead Space, the novel focuses on the birth of Unitology. In this novel set centuries...
A prequel to Dead Space, the novel focuses on the Black Marker. This novel set centuries before t...
From the award-winning author Brian Evenson comes Immobility, a far-future thriller that looks at...
Dark Discoveries - Issue #27Dark MysteryAll new Fiction by: Douglas Clegg, Brian Evenson, Maur...
A human faces off against a thinks-he's-human in the ultimate fight for survival in The Warren, a...
Start your journey towards becoming a JavaScript developer with the help of more than 100 fun exe...
Explore all aspects of programming with Python in this comprehensive resource. Expert programmer ...
Vastarien: A Literary Journal is a source of critical study and creative response to the corpus o...
With minimalist literary horror, Brian Evenson's stories work a nightmare axis of doubt, paranoia...
Renowned author Brian Evenson offers his take on Raymond Carver's classic short story collection.
A smart and passionate exegesis of Chester Brown's seminal comic book, Yummy Fur.