The Mystical Presence (1846), John Williamson Nevin's magnum opus, was an attempt to combat the s...
Although by common consent the greatest theologian of the Anglican tradition, Richard Hooker is l...
In the mid nineteenth century, Reformed churchmen John Nevin and Philip Schaff launched a fierce ...
Although by common consent the greatest theologian of the Anglican tradition, Richard Hooker is l...
How do Christians determine when to obey God even if that means disobeying other people? In this ...
The Mystical Presence (1846), John Williamson Nevin's magnum opus, was an attempt to combat the s...
In the mid nineteenth century, Reformed churchmen John Nevin and Philip Schaff launched a fierce ...
'You'd never know Athens was locked in a life-or-death struggle from the tranquil and leisurely p...
The Reformation Reader accompanies The Reformation unit of Old Western Culture, a great books cur...
For more than forty years now there has been a steady stream of interest in Richard Hooker. This ...
The doctrine of the church is often perceived as the weakest link in Protestant theology. These e...
Los Dos Reinos: Una Guia para los Perplejos