Die ganze Vielfalt des GlaubensWelche Tradition befolgen orthodoxe Juden und was ist ein Mudschah...
Die Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften weckt zunehmendes Interesse, auch weil unsere Welt immer m...
Die oft beschriebene Kluft zwischen der Natur- und Geisteswissenschaft führt dazu, daß uns ein gr...
Here, top international authors in the field of STM and surface science present first-class contr...
Ever since Man Ray imposed the sound holes of a violin onto his model's back, photographers have ...
Hot photo apps come and go, but the practice of shooting and sharing isuniversal and is now a fun...
With the increasing popularity of audiobooks, Books Out Loud is a must-have collection developmen...
Subject Guide to Children's Books In Print allows the user to track down children's and young adu...
Children's Books In Print is the go-to source for locating children's and young adult titles in t...
Over the past several decades, colleges and universities in the United States and United Kingdom ...
This is a detailed study of the large and important diocese of Lincoln under three sixteenth-cent...
Provides a comprehensive introduction to the subject with emphasis on recent work and discoveries.