Bonnie Jo Campbell has created an unforgettable heroine in sixteen-year-old Margo Crane, a beauty...
Versteckt im Great Massasauga Sumpf in Michigan, liegt eine kleine Insel, die kein Mann zu betret...
On an island in the Great Massasauga Swamp-an area known as 'The Waters' to the residents of near...
For this anthology, Muddy Backroads: Stories from off the beaten path, the editors asked for stor...
Bonnie Jo Campbell has created an unforgettable heroine in sixteen-year-old Margo Crane, a beauty...
Une petite cite ouvriere du Michigan, dans les annees 1970. Margo Crane y a vecu toute son enfanc...
Named by the Guardian as one of our top ten writers of rural noir, Bonnie Jo Campbell is a keen o...
Eigentlich scheint alles in bester Ordnung zu sein an jenem 9. Oktober im ländlichen Michigan. Wi...
American Salvage is rich with local color and peopled with rural characters who love and hate ext...
On an island in the Great Massasauga Swamp-an area known as 'The Waters' to the residents of near...
'On an island in the Great Massasauga Swamp--an area known as 'The Waters' to the residents of ne...