At the prestigious Kimberly Magic Academy, Oliver, a boy clad in black robes with a white cane an...
Set five years prior to Reign of the Seven Spellblades, tells the story of how Alvin Godfrey, a f...
The end is near as Ophelia is soon to manifest the Salvadori spell. All hope seems lost for Olive...
At the prestigious Kimberly Magic Academy, Oliver, a boy clad in black robes with a white cane an...
With their brief respite over, our heroes begin their fourth year at Kimberly Magic Academy. The ...
At the prestigious Kimberly Magic Academy, Oliver, a boy clad in black robes with a white cane an...
Translation of: Nanatsu no maken ga shihaisuru.
At the prestigious Kimberly Magic Academy, Oliver, a boy clad in black robes with a white cane an...
'First published in Japan in 2019 by Kadokawa Corporation, Tokyo.'--Colophon.
At the prestigious Kimberly Magic Academy, Oliver, a boy clad in black robes with a white cane an...
Translation of: Nanatsu no maken ga shihaisuru.
At the prestigious Kimberly Magic Academy, Oliver, a boy clad in black robes with a white cane an...