This book discusses smart technologies and their influence in the field of manufacturing and indu...
Cellulose is an abundant natural biopolymer on earth, found as a major constituent of plant cell ...
La celulosa es un biopolímero natural abundante en la tierra, que se encuentra como constituyente...
Cellüloza - rasprostranennyj na Zemle prirodnyj biopolimer, whodqschij w sostaw kletochnyh stenok...
La cellulosa è un biopolimero naturale abbondante sulla terra, presente come principale costituen...
Zellulose ist ein auf der Erde reichlich vorhandenes natürliches Biopolymer, das als Hauptbestand...
La cellulose est un biopolymère naturel abondant sur terre, que l'on trouve comme principal const...
A celulose é um biopolímero natural abundante na terra, encontrado como um dos principais constit...
This book discusses smart technologies and their influence in the field of manufacturing and indu...
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This book presents cutting-edge findings that draw on the use of AI, the Industrial Internet of T...
With advanced remote sensing and GIS tools, in-depth analyses, and interdisciplinary approaches, ...