Powodzenie leczenia ortodontycznego pacjenta uwarunkowane jest dok¿adn¿ diagnoz¿ i planowaniem le...
Der Erfolg der kieferorthopädischen Behandlung eines Patienten hängt von einer genauen Diagnose u...
Für die Obturation von Milchzähnen gibt es eine Vielzahl von Obturationsmaterialien wie Zinkoxid-...
La réussite du traitement orthodontique d'un patient doit faire l'objet d'un diagnostic et d'une ...
uma variedade de materiais obturadores como óxido de zinco eugenol, hidróxido de cálcio, pastas i...
Analyzing data sets has continued to be an invaluable application for numerous industries. By com...
To utilize the bandwidth for high data rates and low channel spacing used in high dense WDM syste...
Uspeh ortodonticheskogo lecheniq pacienta zawisit ot tochnoj diagnostiki i planirowaniq lecheniq....
Today we are in the time where energy conservation & use of renewable resources has become a nece...
una varietà di materiali otturatori come l'ossido di zinco eugenolo, idrossido di calcio, paste i...
The bicycle has gone from being an old-fashioned recreational product to a less polluting means o...
Video abstraction, high level video segmentation, video indexing, video summarization and video r...