Attorney Jamie Quinn is on a six-month hiatus from practicing law to deal with her beloved mother...
Winner of the 'Indie Book of the Day' award, this short collection of humorous essays explores su...
Attorney Jamie Quinn is on a six-month hiatus from practicing law to deal with her beloved mother...
Attorney Jamie Quinn is on a six-month hiatus from practicing law to deal with her beloved mother...
Attorney Jamie Quinn is on a six-month hiatus from practicing law to deal with her beloved mother...
This collection of humorous essays explores such quirky topics as disastrous home repairs, ('A Tr...
This collection of humorous essays explores such quirky topics as disastrous home repairs, ('A Tr...
Winner of the 'Indie Book of the Day' award, this short collection of humorous essays explores su...
This collection of humorous essays explores such quirky topics as disastrous home repairs, ('A Tr...
This collection of humorous essays explores such quirky topics as disastrous home repairs, ('A Tr...
Discover the incredible four-year quest for justice for The Groveland Four, and learn how to purs...
Discover the incredible four-year quest for justice for The Groveland Four, and learn how to purs...