Flussdeltas kennen wir meist aus der Vogelperspektive: als faszinierende Luftbilder von verästelt...
Das groBte Hindernis, das dem interdisziplinaren Gedankenaustausch im Wege steht, ist haufig der ...
Nutritional Adequacy, Nutrient Availability and Needs
Unter dem Eindruck der Kostenentwicklung im Gesundheitswesen gewinnen oko nomische Uberlegungen i...
In view of the continuing preoccupation of all industrialized countries with the rising share of ...
All too frequently, the largest effective barrier to interdisciplinary communication is jargon. T...
In the past two decades public debate about the risks, benefits, and safety associated with drugs...
As the focus on pharmaceuticals has broadened from concern for their cost and effectiveness to th...
Modern drugs are invented according to medical needs, making use of the latest innovations in tec...