How can a Christian leader empower others to lead?A follow up to Aubrey Malphurs' Being Leaders, ...
The key to effective leadership in today's churches lies as much with their governing boards as i...
In this expanded edition, trusted church leadership consultant provides practical advice for chur...
Still looking for the program, book, or sermon series that will turn your church around? What if ...
Before you can lead your church, you have to know your church.Pastoral ministry is challenging wo...
Money Matters in Church is your one-stop source of information on creating a culture of giving th...
How should we do church in a changing world?There's no question the world is changing. Many churc...
Ministry without vision is like a surgeon without a scalpelStrong leaders have vision that is bot...
Many pastoral training programs have neglected four foundational ministry concepts--values, missi...
Make sure what you do matches who you are.Every Christian wants to know, 'What is God's ultimate ...
What are the core values of your ministry?Values-Driven Leadership is a pioneering work designed ...
What are the distinctive characteristics of Christian leaders?Too many churches and parachurch gr...