WEB APPLICATIONDESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT E-Learner's assessment is an important and complicated task...
This work aims at exploring some aspects of traditional bamboo stilt houses of North-East India a...
Wood is the main source of raw material for pulp and paper industry in the world.If we can introd...
Biomedical control systems are inherently non linear and carry normal input signals for smooth fu...
Utilization of wood for pulp and paper industry causes destruction of forest. Introducing non-woo...
Some salient contributions of this work are modification and characterization of Adaptive Kalman ...
Ce travail vise à explorer certains aspects des maisons traditionnelles sur pilotis en bambou du ...
Questo lavoro si propone di esplorare alcuni aspetti delle tradizionali case a palafitta in bambù...
Este trabajo pretende explorar algunos aspectos de las casas tradicionales de zancos de bambú del...
Dannaq rabota naprawlena na izuchenie nekotoryh aspektow tradicionnyh bambukowyh domow na swaqh S...
Este trabalho visa explorar alguns aspectos das casas tradicionais de stilt de bambu do Nordeste ...
Diese Arbeit zielt darauf ab, einige Aspekte der traditionellen Bambus-Stelzenhäuser in Nordost-I...