A captivating tale filled with heartwarming characters and an undertone of hope for readers of al...
Walter the baker-and sea dog-is back for another adventure. His old friend Big Boris is in troubl...
'While fishing on Stony Brook, Hector Fox and his friend find an old map hidden in a floating bot...
Born in Northern Nevada in 1950, Black Cloud is a black-and-white mustang colt. He loves roaming ...
Times were tough in the small New England fishing village where Marcie lived. No one had any mone...
Alabama, 1856. Tennessee Rose is a dark bay Tennessee Walking Horse with a rose-shaped marking on...
When Hector Fox and his friends receive a plea for help from the Guardians of the Stone Tower, th...
Walter comes from a long line of seafaring dogs, but, alas, his talents seems to extend only to b...
Filled with boats (and sea dogs) from all over the world and told in whimsical rhyme, children wi...