The protection of environment presents a most fundamental challenge to the nation s desire to ind...
Balance is defined as the ability to maintain an upright posture during static and dynamic tasks,...
Balans opredelqetsq kak sposobnost' podderzhiwat' wertikal'nuü osanku wo wremq staticheskih i din...
L'équilibre est défini comme la capacité à maintenir une posture droite lors de tâches statiques ...
O equilíbrio é definido como a capacidade de manter uma postura ereta durante tarefas estáticas e...
The book contains all the necessary data regarding the treatment in case of head injury induced s...
Gleichgewicht ist definiert als die Fähigkeit, während statischer und dynamischer Aufgaben eine a...
The word 'custody' implies guardianship and protective care. Even when applied to indicate arrest...
L'equilibrio è definito come la capacità di mantenere una postura eretta durante i compiti static...
Balans wordt gedefinieerd als het vermogen om een rechte houding te handhaven tijdens statische e...
Równowaga jest definiowana jako zdolno¿¿ do utrzymania prawid¿owej postawy ciäa podczas wykonywan...
In India Panchayati Raj system was introduced with the aim of decentralization & democratization ...