Trichomonas Vaginalis: Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Treatment provides up-to-date knowledge about...
This book is of immense use for the students of B. Tech (CSE), B. Tech (ECE), B. Tech (IT), M. Te...
A 'gasoline-electric hybrid car' or 'hybrid electric vehicle' is a vehicle which relies not only ...
Medical images are generally of poor contrast and they also get complex type of noise and blur. T...
Noise reduction is an important step for development of any sophisticated algorithms in computer ...
This book presents select papers from the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Communic...
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference ...
The book is an attempt to summarize the journey of Botulinum Toxin from a deadly toxin to a mirac...
Une 'voiture hybride essence-électricité' ou 'véhicule électrique hybride' est un véhicule qui re...
Benzino-älektricheskij gibridnyj awtomobil'' ili 'gibridnyj älektromobil'' - äto transportnoe sre...
Um 'veículo híbrido eléctrico a gasolina' ou 'veículo eléctrico híbrido' é um veículo que depende...
Un''auto ibrida benzina-elettrica' o 'veicolo ibrido elettrico' è un veicolo che non si basa solo...